
Monday, August 18, 2008

I have been TAGGED again!!!

I have been tagged by Sweet Angel from Sweet Angel Scraps These are the rules: 1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. My 7 facts are ... 1- I love working on cross stitch 2-I believe in power of prayer and faith 3- I have one spoiled cat 4- My grandson is joy of my life 5- I enjoy decorating and designing houses 6- I love taking lobe walks 7- I love going out with friends Here are the 7 people I have decided to tag: Shilo from Scraps by Shilo Danielle from DMK Designs Jo From Creationz By Jo Dana from Berry Delightz Scraps Tammy from Enchanted Alluring Scraps Chantal from ChaDesignz Melisa from Melisa's Scraps

SALE!!!! SALE!!!!! SALE!!!!!

They are going nuts we are taking it to the limit.....

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Click HERE to get to store

Angel Dreamer Designs

Angelina's Designs

BabyV Dezign

Babzy's Boutique

Classie Creationz

Designs by Brandi

Sassy's Imigination

Scrappy Lippy

WD Designs

hurry Before they regain their sanity